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Armisén, D., Viala, S., Cordeiro, I.D.R.S., Crumèire, A.J.J., Hendaoui, E., Le Bouquin, A., Duchemin, W., Santos, E., Toubiana, W., Vargas-Lowman, A. and Floriano, C.F.B.Polhemus, D.A.Wang, Y-H., Rowe, L.Moreira, F.F.F.Khila, A. (2022).  Transcriptome-based phylogeny of the semi-aquatic bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha) reveals patterns of lineage expansion in a series of new adaptive zones


Rowe, L., & Rundle, H. D. (2021). The alignment of natural and sexual Selection. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics52, 499-517.

Arnqvist, G., Grieshop, K., Hotzy, C., Rönn, J., Polak, M., & Rowe, L. (2021). Direct and indirect effects of male genital elaboration in female seed beetles. Proceedings of the Royal Society B288(1954), 20211068.

Punzalan, D., Fang, J. T., Chen, W., & Rowe, L. (2021). Divergence in life history and behaviour between hybridizing Phymata ambush bugs (Heteroptera: Reduviidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 133, 796-805.

Nilsson-Örtman, V., & Rowe, L. (2021). The evolution of developmental thresholds and reaction norms for age and size at maturity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences118(7).

De Lisle, S.P., Punzalan, D., Rollinson, N., and L. Rowe. 2021.  Extinction and the temporal distribution of macroevolutionary bursts. Journal of evolutionary biology. , 2021, Vol.34(2), p.380-390.


Zhang, V. M., Punzalan, D., & Rowe, L. (2020). Climate change has different predicted effects on the range shifts of two hybridizing ambush bug (Phymata, Family Reduviidae, Order Hemiptera) species. Ecology and evolution10(21), 12036-12048.


Murray, R. L., Tah, S., Koprivnikar, J., Rowe, L., & McCauley, S. J. (2019). Exposure to potentially cannibalistic conspecifics induces an increased immune response. Ecological Entomology45(2), 355-363.

Rollinson, N., Nilsson‐Örtman, V., and L. Rowe. 2019. Density‐dependent offspring interactions do not explain macroevolutionary scaling of adult size and offspring size – Evolution, 73(11) 2162-2174.


Perry, J.C. and L. Rowe. 2018. Sexual conflict in its ecological setting. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 373: 20170418.

Rundle, H.R. and L. Rowe. 2018. The contribution of sexual selection to ecological and mutation‐order speciation. Evolution 72(11) 2571-2575.   doi: 10.1111/evo.13599.

Searcy, C.A., Gilbert, B., Krkosek, M., Rowe, L., and S.J. McCauley. 2018. Positive correlation between dispersal and body size in green frogs (Rana clamitans) naturally colonizing an experimental landscape. Canadian Journal of Zoology 96(12): 1378-1384

De Lisle, S.P., Paiva, S., and L. Rowe. 2018. Habitat partitioning during character displacement between the sexes. Biology Letters 14: 20180124.

Rowe, L., Chenoweth, S.F., and A.F. Agrawal. 2018. The genomics of sexual conflict. American Naturalist 192: 2.

Rollinson N. and L. Rowe. 2018. Oxygen limitation at the larval stage and the evolution of maternal investment per offspring in aquatic environments. The American Naturalist DOI: 10.1086/696857

Rollinson N. and L. Rowe. 2018. Temperature-dependent oxygen limitation and the rise of Bergmann’s Rule in species with aquatic respiration. Evolution DOI: 10.1111/evo.13458


Perry, J.C., Garroway, C.J., and L. Rowe. 2017. The role of ecology, neutral processes and antagonistic coevolution in an apparent sexual arms race. Ecology Letters 20: 1107-1117.

De Lisle, S.P. and L. Rowe. 2017. Disruptive natural selection predicts divergence between the sexes during adaptive radiation. Ecology and Evolution 7: 3590-3601.

Austen, E.J., Rowe, L., and J.R. Stinchcombe. 2017. Explaining the apparent paradox of persistent selection for early flowering. New Phytologist 215: 929-934

Punzalan D. and L. Rowe. 2017. Hybridization and lack of prezygotic barriers between Phymata pennsylvanica and americana. Ecological Entomology 42: 210-220.


Kwan, L., Dobkin, A.N., Rodd, R.H., and L. Rowe. 2016. A potential of long genitalia in male guppies: the effects of current speed on reproductive behaviour. Ethology 122: 945-953.

Punzalan, D. and L. Rowe., 2016. Concordance between stabilizing sexual selection, intraspecific variation, and interspecific divergence in Phymata. Ecology and Evolution 6: 7997-8009. 

Rollinson, N. and L. Rowe. 2016. The positive correlation between maternal size and offspring size: fitting pieces of a life‐history puzzle. Biological Reviews 91: 1134-1148.

Kwan, L., Fris, M., Rodd, F.H., Rowe, L., Tuhela, L., and T.M. Panhuis. 2016. An examination of the variation in maternal placentae across the genus Poeciliopsis (Poeciliidae). Journal of Morphology 277: 986-986.


De Lisle, S.P. and L. Rowe.  2015. Ecological character displacement between the Sexes. The American Naturalist 186: 693-707.

Rollinson, N. and L. Rowe. 2015. Persistent directional selection on body size and a resolution to the paradox of stasis. Evolution 69: 2441-51.

Maklakov, A. A., Rowe, L., and U Friberg. 2015. Why organisms age: Evolution of senescence under positive pleiotropy?. BioEssays 37: 802-807.

Baines, C.B., McCauley, S.J. and L. Rowe. 2015. Dispersal depends on body condition and predation risk in the semi‐aquatic insect, Notonecta undulata. Ecology and Evolution 5: 2307-16.

Punzalan, D. and L. Rowe. 2015.  Evolution of sexual dimorphism in phenotypic covariance structure in Phymata. Evolution 69: 1597-1609

Kwan, L., Fris, M., Rodd, F.H., Rowe, L, Tuhela, L., and  T.M. Panhuis. 2015.  An examination of the variation in maternal placentae across the Genus Poeciliopsis (Poeciliidae). Journal of Morphology 276: 707-720. PDF

Perry, J.C. and L. Rowe. 2015. The evolution of sexually antagonistic phenotypes. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology 28: 739-755.

Wilkinson, G.S., Breden, F., Mank, J.E., Ritchie, M.G., Higginson, A., Radwan, J., Jaquiery, J., Salzburger, W., Arriero, E., Barribeau, S.M., Phillips, P.C., Renn, S.C.P., and L. Rowe. 2015.  The locus of sexual selection: moving sexual selection studies into the post-genomics era. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28: 739-755. PDF

De Lisle, S.P. and L. Rowe.  2015. Independent evolution of the sexes promotes amphibian diversification.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282: 20142213. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2014.2213. PDF

De Lisle, S.P. and L. Rowe.  2015. Parasitism and the expression of sexual dimorphism. Ecology and Evolution 5: 961-967. PDF


Wyman, M. J.  and L. Rowe. 2014. Male bias in distributions of additive genetic, residual, and phenotypic variances of shared traits.  The American Naturalist, 184: 326-337. doi: 10.1086/677310. PDF

Baines, C.B., McCauley, S.J. and L. Rowe. 2014. The interactive effects of competition and predation risk on dispersal in an insect.  Biology Letters 10: 20140287. PDF

Arnqvist, G., Vellnow, N. and L. Rowe. 2014. The effect of epistasis on sexually antagonistic genetic variation.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281: 20140289. PDF

Khila, A., Abouheif, E. and L. Rowe. 2014. Comparative functional analyses of Ultrabithorax reveal multiple steps and paths to diversification of legs in the adaptive radiation of semi‐aquatic insects. Evolution. doi: 10.1111/evo.12444.

De Lisle, S.P. and L. Rowe. 2014. Interactive effects of competition and social environment on the expression of sexual dimorphism. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27: 1069-1077. PDF


Wyman, M.J., Stinchcombe, J.R. and L. Rowe. 2013. A multivariate view of the evolution of sexual dimorphism. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 2070-2080. PDF

De Lisle, S.P. and L. Rowe. 2013. Correlated evolution of allometry and sexual dimorphism across higher taxa. American Naturalist 182: 630-639 PDF

Kwan L., Cheng Y.Y., Rodd F.H. and L. Rowe. 2013. Sexual conflict and the function of genitalic claws in guppies (Poecilia reticulata). Biology Letters 9:20130267. PDF

Long, T.A.F., Rowe, L. and A.F. Agrawal. 2013. The effects of selective history and environmental heterogeneity on inbreeding depression in experimental populations of Drosophila melanogaster. American Naturalist 181: 532-544. PDF

Punzalan, D. and L. Rowe. 2013. Ecological correlates of daily mating frequency in a wild population of ambush bugs. Ecological Entomology 38: 429-432. PDF


Burns, J.G., Svetec, N., Rowe, L., Mery, F., Dolan, M., Boyce, W. and M.B. Sokolowski. 2012. Gene-environment interplay in Drosophila melanogaster: chronic food deprivation in early-life affects adult exploratory and fitness traits. PNAS 109 (S2): 17239-17244. PDF

Khila, A., E. Abouheif and L. Rowe. 2012. Function, developmental genetics, and fitness consequences of a sexually antagonistic trait. Science 336: 585-589. PDF

Long, T.A.F., A. Agrawal and L. Rowe. 2012 The effect of sexual selection on offspring fitness depends on the nature of genetic variation. Current Biology. 22:204-208. PDF

Perry, J. and L. Rowe. 2012. Sex role stereotyping and sexual conflict theory. Animal Behavior 83: E10-E13. PDF

Shärer, L., Rowe, L. and G. Arnqvist. 2012. Anisogamy, chance and the evolution of sex roles. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 27: 260-264. PDF

Clark S.C.A., N.P. Sharp, L. Rowe and A.F. Agrawal. 2012. Relative effectiveness of mating success and sperm competition at eliminating deleterious mutations in Drosophila melanogaster. PLoS One 7: e37351. PDF

Wyman, M., A.D. Cutter and L. Rowe. 2012.  Gene duplication in the evolution of sexual dimorphism. Evolution 66: 1556-1566. PDF

Perry, J. and L. Rowe. 2012. Sexual conflict and antagonistic coevolution across water strider populations. Evolution. 66:544-557. PDF

Rowe, L. and G. Arnqvist. 2012. Sexual selection and the evolution of genital shape and complexity in water striders. Evolution. 66:40-54. PDF


McCauley, S.J., L. Rowe and M-J. Fortin. 2011. The deadly effects of ‘non-lethal’ predators.  Ecology. 92: 2043–2048. PDF

McGuigan , K., Rowe, L. and M.W. Blows. 2011. Pleiotropy, apparent stabilizing selection and uncovering fitness optima. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 26:22-29. PDF

Dmitriew, C. and L. Rowe. 2011. The effects of larval nutrition on reproductive performance in a food-limited adult environment. PLoS One 6: e17399. PDF

Perry, J.C. and L. Rowe. 2011. Rapid microsatellite development for water striders by next generation sequencing. Journal of Heredity 102:125-129. PDF